Thursday, January 19, 2012

Photograph Narrative

 It took me quite a while to search through my photos in order to find one that I found suitable to upload to this blog.  The assignment was, well is, quite simple.  All that is required of the students is to upload a photograph of choice and write about it.  Well, as it is pretty obvious that I could not choose just one, I have uploaded three.  As stated, it became almost impossible for me to choose just one.
These three photos are all from the same event, my debutante ball.  The ball occurred in December of 2011, so it was quite recent.  This debutante ball (deb ball for short) was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I am thankful to have been a part of.  For those unaware of this custom, debutantes come from a deeply rooted southern tradition.  The ball was held to sort of "introduce" the young women into society.  Generally, this practice led to finding proper suitors or a marriage proposal.  After the debutante "came out" into society, she was then allowed to attend and take part in the social functions of the area.

 Despite the change in tradition throughout the years, some Cotillion Clubs and social societies still take part in the formal ceremony of presenting their daughters when they come of age.  These photos to the right were snapped during different times in the evening.  The top right is of one of my best friends, Sally, and myself.  We are dressed in white gowns, as this is part of the old tradition.  Sally and I have been best of friends since about middle school.  We attend different schools, but have been able to remain just as close as always.  The second photograph is of my brother and myself.  He is two years older than I am, but the age difference is not substantial enough to matter to either of us.  After the formal introduction ceremony where the debutante is announced, presented, and escorted through the crowd, she dances with her father, escort, and marshal.  My brother assumed the role of my marshal, per my mother's request.  At the point the photo was taken, we were cutting up on the dance floor.  Note that this was still supposed to be more formal...but we prefer to mix it up a little.
This last photograph is of my lovely roommate, Morgan, and myself.  She and I have known each other for about two years now.  We first met at a leadership camp the summer after our junior year of high school.  We clicked instantly and kind of decided then that we should room together.  A little odd? Maybe, but that's just fine with us.  I invited her to attend this ball because I wanted to have my best friend there with me while I paraded around and danced in my white comforter.  If you haven't already noticed, the dress was HUGE.  Seeing as how I enjoy cutting up as it is, having her there to entertain me simply made the experience that much more enjoyable.
This debutante ball was an event that's appearing to become less and less common in today's world.  I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to participate and will cherish the photos and my memories for years to come.

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