Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Library Research Time

I had everything planned out to visit the library today, Wednesday, in order to enjoy the allotted time off of class on Friday.  Given that the annotated bibliography is due by next Wednesday, I felt deterring from my usual habit of procrastination could be nothing but beneficial.  I gathered my materials, packed my bookbag, and set off for my second home, Cooper Library.  Upon arrival, I opened my notebook with my scrambled notes and opened my textbook with instructions on how to design my project.  The last item I removed from my bookbag was my laptop.  I lifted the screen, turned it on, and saw this.  Some time in the walk from the horseshoe to the library, my screen cracked.  I spent my entire hour, plus an extra two, sitting in the CCIT center transferring data from my laptop to my external hard drive.  Needless to say, I got very little accomplished on my actual annotated bibiography.  As of right now, about 4 o clock, I am still sitting in a chair staring at my demolished screen and waiting for all of my documents, photos, programs, and music to transfer.
As of about two hours ago, I am without a laptop.  This is quite problematic, considering that this assignment is due next Wednesday.  I also have a paper due for a class next Tuesday, which is as of right now unfinished.  It almost feels as though my streak of bad luck has only continued so long as to include the entirity of this week.  This makes this unlucky spell last a total of three weeks, a new record for me.
Getting back on topic, my annotated bibliography needs to be completed.  Thank goodness I already have a list of sources saved in a document that is being transferred, so I will have access to that.  I plan to venture to Charlotte, NC this weekend in order to replace my laptop.  After that time, I hopefully will have the capability to complete all assignments.
On a slightly unrelated note, after reviewing my Freewrite on my chosen topic, I have decided to take a new angle on my research paper.  Building off of my original plan to debate between the impact of nature and nurture on child development, I have decided to focus more on the effects of media and propaganda on the development of children.  My original research will definitely play a role in proposing points and perspectives in my paper, it just won't be the main focus.  I will be updating my source list and something tells me that my annotated bibliography will be slightly longer than listing just five sources.  My thesis has developed to something along the lines of, "social media and propaganda has left a lasting impression on the youth of today of the importance of perfection, immediate results, and unrealistic goals."  I plan to present different types of media images and potentially videos such as commercials, and show how the dependence on them has led the younger-aged to rely on their influence and messages.  Of course, arguable points include those of children who choose to disregard media influences, how children act without access to social media and current television or movie programs, how boys react as opposed to how girls react, etc.

While wrapping up this blogpost, I would just like to add that I am still sitting here in CCIT.  It is past 5.
Any suggestions or comments on my newly proposed direction is greatly appreciated!

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